Mirror began in response to a tight, seemingly uncomfortable space. Relating these characteristics to our space in time by reflecting on current social movements, though specifically focusing on the Me Too movement, I created an installation that draws parallels to Picasso’s Guernica, a historic painting depicting tragedy and loss of innocence as well as loss of life. Simplified media images representative of the Me Too movement populate the entirety of the installation’s walls from floor to ceiling with layers of various fabric shapes that maintain a relationship not only to the tradition of painting but also quilt-making. Mirror is intended to allow self-reflection for individual viewers and also act as a series of layered reflections between the work itself, the space it inhabits, the time in which it was made, and the cyclical nature of history as a means of questioning and understanding reality.
Exhibited at Ro2Art
10 ft. (L) x 7 ft. (W) x 8 ft. (H)
February 17 - March 24, 2018
The concepts within Mirror were further explored in a new iteration which allowed the viewer to walk through the work. The curved temporary walls utilized echo the effects of a portal traveling through time and space.
Exhibited as part of Vignette 2019 curated by Leslie Moody Castro
20 ft. (L) x 5 ft. (W) x 8 ft. (H)
April 10 - 14, 2019